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Edith Girotti Edith Sandretto Edith Sandretto2 Edith Sandretto3 Evans - Girotti families Front-Marguerite Girotti (girl), Paul Girotti (boy) Cloa Girotti (bottom-right), John and Joe Girotti (Middle and right-top) Girotti-Mattivi-Sandretto Families Grandpa Henry and Grandma Cornelia Jane  Evans (Stella's parents) Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Evans Homeplace of Marguerite Girotti_Novinger, MO
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Front-Marguerite Girotti (girl), Paul Girotti (boy) Cloa Girotti (bottom-right), John and Joe Girotti (Middle and right-top)  [17 of 58]

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ExhibitPlus Front-Marguerite Girotti (girl), Paul Girotti (boy) Cloa Girotti (bottom-right), John and Joe Girotti (Middle and right-top)

Edith Girotti Edith Sandretto Edith Sandretto2 Edith Sandretto3 Evans - Girotti families Front-Marguerite Girotti (girl), Paul Girotti (boy) Cloa Girotti (bottom-right), John and Joe Girotti (Middle and right-top) Girotti-Mattivi-Sandretto Families Grandpa Henry and Grandma Cornelia Jane  Evans (Stella's parents) Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Evans Homeplace of Marguerite Girotti_Novinger, MO
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