Notes: The parish of Kincardine in Menteith on the north bank of the river Forth was mainlymoss. This was drained in the late 18th
Century, by direction of
My Source: M.I’s
M.I’s of interest
#6 Robt
MACGOWAN; 23.12.1846 85,
#9 by Thos NORRIES, w Eliz BUCHANAN 16.8.1799 6[3 or 5]
#14 by by John MCFAREANE (sic) at Drip, w Cathrine MCNAUGHTAN 27.7.1836 24
#24B (next 24A) 1862. by Duncan STEWART & Jean & Christina MCLAREN imotheir fa John MCLAREN fr Lenniston d 1.3.184- 82, mo Janet STEWART 8.1811 42, sis Mary 3.1818 20 rest under turf
#30 broken column, peter MCLAREN 16.6.1869 76, Jane MCNAUGHTON 11.12.1835 37, C.B. MCLAREN age 6 m, Mary MCLAREN 18.2.1851 64, Duncan MCLAREN 5.12.1895 71, w Jean IRVING 1.2.1899 76, Chn. Janet 12.9.1855 5y, Peter 15.10.1860 5y, Margt 6.8.1864 3y, Jane d Sheffiekd age 75, Joseph 19.2.1874 16, Mary Ann McLaren 17.9.1890 29 and Margt KING 28.12.1861 61
#31 TS Share and Coulter J.M. 1801 L.H;; Lilias Harvey8.6.1801 29 h John MACQUEEN 14.2.1851 78, repaired by s Jas, John MACQUEEN, Wid. Agnes BROWN 4.2.1882 78 [ed: John MACQUEEN md Campsie Sti. 1825 Agnes BROWN]
#32 1854 Jas MCQUEEN of Bowhapple 8.2.1882 84, w Eliz PATTERSON 7.8.1852 52
#33 Jas MCQUEEN, Boquhapple imo s John 1.5.1842 20.6.1860
#38 (lichen) 1854 by John MCWILLIAM imo w Eliz STEWART 7.8.1853 41 chn: Eliz 27.7.1853 4y, Wm Stewart 2.8.1853 1y 10 m (lair no 208)
# 41 (next 40) Finlay FISHER fr Blair Drummond 3.1.1875 85, w Mary STEWART d
#67B (next 67A) by
Daniel WRIGHT 28.3.1875 70, imo w Helen STEWART
4.10.1870 60, Da Christina 15.5.1871 36, s
#68 Alexr STEWART fr Westwood d 16.8.1879 75. w Mary DOWNIE7.9.1876
59, s
#69 (next 68) Duncan STEWART road surveyor Wood lane d 12.1.1839 62. & w Christian MCLAREN 12.9.1816 47
#70a Late Duncan
STEWART road surveyor
#70b (similar to 70a) by Duncan STEWART in Woodlane, w Christian MCLAREN 12.9.1816 48
#86 1905. Alexr STEWART in Carrot Perthshire. Robt STEWART 1790 1857, w Ann LUKE 1805 1898, ss David 1838 1845, Robert 1824 1850, Geo 1835 1878, Wm 1827 1900, Alexr 1833 1915
#97 ob Robt STEWART d Blair Drummond cottages 25.5.1906 84, w Janet BUCHANAN 27.1.1893 80, chn Maggie 6.9.1854 5y, Peter 5.4.1855 9y
#103 David STEWART {6}.1.1861, da Janet 25.4.18-- 42, da Eliz 1.18-- 2[7]
# 105 Andw REID 9.1.1848, w Eliz STEWART 12.3.1900 84 (h John MCFARLANE 11.7.1887 64, da Helen 4.1862 7y)
#109 ---- [MCKINLAY] faithful servant at Ochertyre b 8.3.1747 d 2.2.1834, w Jean MCKINLAY 17.10.1835 78
#128 1841. by Margt MCNAUGHTAN, h Wm FOGO 5.10.1838 57
#3 1801 Here lyes Wm GILLESPIE & w Mary MILLAR, also s John d Norrieston26.[7]. 1827 69
#5. John DONALDSON 5.1798 67, w Jean STEWART 4.1817 77 gda Jane Agnes MCCULLOGH 13.5.1905 92
#11. 1844, Isobel STEWART 20.9.1825 38, bro John STEWART 24.12.1850 77, (west side) Jas STEWART 1884, bro John 1887 (w Mary WOODROW 1902, s Jas 1912)
#21----------a lot of MCLAREN information if anyone is interested
#27 181[3 or 5] J.S M.M here lies Jas STEWART late Tackman of Milling d 20.5.1787 84, also w Margt MCQUEEN 10.7.1795 66 by s John, Portend
#64 by Mary and Helen MITCHELL imo bro Jas MITCHELL late mert Norrieston 2.2.1830 49, (West side) by David & Eliz STEWART, chn: John 1879 1881, David 1888 1918, Mary 1886 1918, Chas 1896 1915
#87 double T.S. (behind 93) Mrs Margt STEWART of Middletown of Boquhapple d 15.8.1827 83 wid of John GRAHAM esq of Drunkie. Jhon WATT {sic} in Boquhapple, s Thos Wm 1.1825
# 93 ob (at foot of 87) by Peter and Mary GRAHAM imo only s Jas 28.12.1878 10th year. Above Mary STEWART 13.9.1905 72. Peter GRAHAM 24.11.1910 75
#95 Agnes BUCHANAN 15.4.1843 65, h Walter STEWART 18.6.1859 80
#107 FS John STEWART & Janet OMER in ----olin, s Jas 1750, (ED: Methven OPR possibly John STEWART md Janet OMEY)
#110A John MACNAUGHTON fr Earn d 28.11.1884 78, w Eliz WATT 16.5.1893 82, da Isabella d inf, Robt 29.9 1862 19, Isabella 3.9.1921 72nd y
#151 1768 Donald MCNAUGHTEN. Kathrine MCNAUGHTEN. John MCNAUGHTEN. (ED: Williams notes “stone unearthed 4.3.1896”)
#152 1765 I.S. H.M. (Williams Notes: öne of the STEWARTS”)”
#161 Alexr SANDS (owner of lair), mo Ann STEWART int 15.11.1849, bro Archd int 8.11.1841, fa John SANDS int 6.--.1873, da Mary Ann int 14.9.1877
Just for interest: C.B. Boog Watson Ed. Register of Edinburgh Apprentices (Scott. Record Society, 1929)
David, s to Patk GRAHAM in Brae of Cessintullie, prenticed to Robt PATERSON Skinner, 9.1715
John, s to Patk GRAHAM fermorer in Brae in Brae of Cessintolie, prenticed to David SYMMERS pewtherer, 6.1709
Walter, s to Patk GRAHAM fermorer in Brae of Sessintilly, prenticed
to Wm BROWN barber,