Kincardine Cemetery:


Notes: The parish of Kincardine in Menteith on the north bank of the river Forth was mainlymoss. This was drained in the late 18th Century, by direction of Henry Home lord Kames, to make the fertile lands of his estate of Blair Drummond

My Source: M.I’s of South Perth, Vol 2 edited by Alison Mitchell

M.I’s of interest


#6  Robt MACGOWAN; 23.12.1846  85, W Margt MACKINLAY 19.3.1837  73


#9  by Thos NORRIES, w Eliz BUCHANAN 16.8.1799  6[3 or 5]


#14 by by John MCFAREANE (sic) at Drip, w Cathrine MCNAUGHTAN 27.7.1836  24


#24B (next 24A) 1862. by Duncan STEWART & Jean & Christina MCLAREN imotheir fa John MCLAREN fr Lenniston d 1.3.184-  82, mo Janet STEWART 8.1811  42, sis Mary 3.1818 20 rest under turf


#30 broken column, peter MCLAREN 16.6.1869 76, Jane MCNAUGHTON 11.12.1835 37,  C.B. MCLAREN age 6 m, Mary MCLAREN 18.2.1851  64, Duncan MCLAREN 5.12.1895 71, w Jean IRVING 1.2.1899 76, Chn. Janet 12.9.1855 5y, Peter 15.10.1860 5y, Margt 6.8.1864 3y, Jane d Sheffiekd age 75, Joseph 19.2.1874 16, Mary Ann McLaren 17.9.1890 29 and Margt KING 28.12.1861 61


#31 TS Share and Coulter J.M. 1801 L.H;; Lilias Harvey8.6.1801 29 h John MACQUEEN 14.2.1851 78, repaired by s Jas, John MACQUEEN, Wid. Agnes BROWN 4.2.1882 78 [ed: John MACQUEEN md Campsie Sti. 1825 Agnes BROWN]


#32 1854 Jas MCQUEEN of Bowhapple 8.2.1882 84, w Eliz PATTERSON 7.8.1852 52


#33 Jas MCQUEEN, Boquhapple imo s John 1.5.1842  20.6.1860


#38  (lichen) 1854 by John MCWILLIAM imo w Eliz STEWART 7.8.1853  41 chn: Eliz 27.7.1853 4y, Wm Stewart 2.8.1853 1y 10 m (lair no 208)


# 41 (next 40)  Finlay FISHER fr Blair Drummond 3.1.1875 85, w Mary STEWART d Bannockburn 11.6.1886 76, da Euphemia d Bannockburn 6.7.1923 71


#67B (next 67A) by Daniel WRIGHT 28.3.1875 70, imo w Helen STEWART 4.10.1870 60, Da Christina 15.5.1871  36, s Duncan 29.5.1870 21, da Helen, 21.8.1855  16


#68 Alexr STEWART fr Westwood d 16.8.1879  75. w Mary DOWNIE7.9.1876  59, s Duncan 1837 inf, Duncan 13.6.1873, da Mary 28.1.1904  63 (h Chas MOORE of Duneden New Zealand)


#69 (next 68) Duncan STEWART road surveyor Wood lane d 12.1.1839  62. & w Christian MCLAREN 12.9.1816  47


#70a Late Duncan STEWART road surveyor Wood Lane & w Mary MCGREGOR, das Cath 23.1.1840  20 & Christian 17.3.183 [5 or 7] 6y


#70b (similar to 70a) by Duncan STEWART in Woodlane, w Christian MCLAREN 12.9.1816  48


#86 1905. Alexr STEWART in Carrot Perthshire. Robt STEWART 1790  1857, w Ann LUKE 1805  1898, ss David 1838  1845, Robert 1824  1850, Geo 1835  1878, Wm 1827  1900, Alexr 1833  1915


#97 ob Robt STEWART d Blair Drummond cottages 25.5.1906  84, w Janet BUCHANAN 27.1.1893  80, chn Maggie 6.9.1854 5y, Peter 5.4.1855 9y


#103 David STEWART {6}.1.1861, da Janet 25.4.18--  42, da Eliz 1.18--  2[7]


# 105 Andw REID 9.1.1848, w Eliz STEWART 12.3.1900  84 (h John MCFARLANE 11.7.1887  64, da Helen 4.1862 7y)


#109 ---- [MCKINLAY] faithful servant at Ochertyre b 8.3.1747 d 2.2.1834, w Jean MCKINLAY 17.10.1835 78


#128 1841. by Margt MCNAUGHTAN, h Wm FOGO 5.10.1838  57





#3 1801  Here lyes Wm GILLESPIE & w Mary MILLAR, also s John d Norrieston26.[7]. 1827  69


#5. John DONALDSON 5.1798  67, w Jean STEWART 4.1817  77 gda Jane Agnes MCCULLOGH 13.5.1905  92


#11. 1844, Isobel STEWART 20.9.1825  38, bro John STEWART 24.12.1850  77, (west side) Jas STEWART 1884, bro John 1887 (w Mary WOODROW 1902, s Jas 1912)


#21----------a lot of MCLAREN information if anyone is interested


#27 181[3 or 5] J.S M.M here lies Jas STEWART late Tackman of Milling d 20.5.1787 84, also w Margt MCQUEEN 10.7.1795 66 by s John, Portend


#64  by Mary and Helen MITCHELL imo bro Jas MITCHELL late mert Norrieston 2.2.1830  49, (West side) by David & Eliz STEWART, chn: John 1879 1881, David 1888 1918, Mary 1886 1918, Chas 1896 1915


#87 double T.S. (behind 93) Mrs Margt STEWART of Middletown of Boquhapple d 15.8.1827  83 wid of John GRAHAM esq of Drunkie. Jhon WATT {sic} in Boquhapple, s Thos Wm 1.1825 


# 93 ob (at foot of 87) by Peter and Mary GRAHAM  imo only s Jas 28.12.1878  10th year. Above Mary STEWART 13.9.1905 72. Peter GRAHAM 24.11.1910  75


#95 Agnes BUCHANAN 15.4.1843  65, h Walter STEWART 18.6.1859  80


#107 FS John STEWART & Janet OMER in ----olin, s Jas 1750, (ED: Methven OPR possibly John STEWART md Janet OMEY)


#110A John MACNAUGHTON fr Earn d 28.11.1884  78, w Eliz WATT 16.5.1893  82, da Isabella d inf, Robt 29.9 1862  19, Isabella 3.9.1921  72nd y


#151 1768 Donald MCNAUGHTEN. Kathrine MCNAUGHTEN. John MCNAUGHTEN. (ED: Williams notes “stone unearthed 4.3.1896”)


#152  1765 I.S. H.M. (Williams Notes: öne of the STEWARTS”)”


#161  Alexr SANDS (owner of lair), mo Ann STEWART int 15.11.1849, bro Archd int 8.11.1841, fa John SANDS int 6.--.1873, da Mary Ann int 14.9.1877



Just for interest: C.B. Boog Watson Ed. Register of Edinburgh Apprentices (Scott. Record Society, 1929)

David, s to Patk GRAHAM in Brae of Cessintullie, prenticed to Robt PATERSON Skinner, 9.1715

John, s to Patk GRAHAM fermorer in Brae in Brae of Cessintolie, prenticed to David SYMMERS pewtherer,  6.1709

Walter, s to Patk GRAHAM fermorer in Brae of Sessintilly, prenticed to Wm BROWN barber,  1.1710