I received the following email from Manlio Badiali who lives in Modena, Italy, asking that I share the names of the following miners who lost their lives the Dawson mine explosion of 1913. They all came from the same Italian village of Modena.

From: badiali.m@libero.it [mailto:badiali.m@libero.it]
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 1:15 AM
To: speedo@chuckspeed.com
Subject: Tante grazie

Dear Sir,

I do want to thank you for the CD about Dawson you sent. It was in my mail box just a few hours ago. I appreciate it very much and I feel like if I am going to visit some far relatives at their home. Some of my family were in Dawson, lived in Dawson and died in Dawson. Not only Celeste died in Stag Canon mine n.2 but with him his brother Antonio, his brother in law Giordani Umberto and his cousin Gorzanelli Attilio too and with them 11 more from the same village or neighborhood.

I would like to ask you, if it is possible, when it is possible and where it is possible to settle the right information about this 15 young men. I would be nice to let know everybody interested the right name and the faraway places from where they belonged. Here they are:

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Once again thank you

Manlio badiali