Robert Stewart (1733-1818), Duart, Glenfinglas, a Descendant

of the Gartnafuaran Stewarts




Generation One



1.      Robert1 Stewart.  Robert would have been born about the year 1733.  A parish record of his baptism has not been found and his parents remain unknown with complete certainty.   The family is referenced in the “Stewarts of the South,”  letters written between 1815 and 1820 as the family descending from “Sliochd sheun Rob is Alastair oig.”   Sheun or Sean Rob meaning “Old Rob” and probably indicating that this “Old Rob” was a son of an Alexander (the younger).   Sean Rob would have likely been at least a grandfather to Robert (b. ca 1733.)  Further discussion of this ancestry may be found on the website, The Stewarts of Balquhidder, in the sections devoted to the Stewarts of Glenfinglas, descendants of the Gartnafuaran family.


  Robert married twice, first to Isabella Dow or Dove.   The Callander parish record shows that "Robert Stewart in this Parish and Isabel Dove in the Parish of Kilmadock were listed to be proclaimed in order to marriage 27th Janr., and were married 1st Febr" (1759).  Isabella was the mother of most of Robert's children, the majority of whom seem to have scattered to elsewhere in Scotland or the U.S.  The sources for the record of his children by his first marriage come from the family bible register as well as Callander parish records. 

     He married, secondly, Janet Fisher on 29 Dec 1789 in Callander Parish, Perthshire, Scotland. "Robert Stewart and Janet Fisher both in this parish enlisted their names for Proclamation December 27th and were married December 29, 1789." 

     Robert Stewart died on 16 Aug 1818 in Duart, Glenfinglas, Perthshire. The actual bible register record has this statement, "Robert Stewart Late Tenant of the farm of Duart Glenfinglas Died 16 Aug 1818 Age 85 yrs."


     Children of Robert1 Stewart and Isabella Dow were as follows:

                      2        i.    Jean2 Stewart.       Jean Stewart was born on 29 Nov 1759.  She was baptized on 2 Dec 1759 in Callander.  Her birth and baptism are recorded in the Callander Parish Register and her parents were noted as "Robert Stuart and Isabel Dove in Dowart."  It seems likely that she did not live long as Robert and Isabel also baptised another daughter in 1761 named  Jean.  What is peculiar here is that this is the only child found in the parish record that is not accounted for in the family register.

                 +   3        ii.    Margaret Stewart.      She was baptised on 20 July 1760 "at Tynamone" according to the family register.  This name is thought to be a transcription error from the original family record.  It is thought most likely by Gaelic-speakers that this name was actually "Tigh na Mor" meaning the "Big House."  Future references from the family register to it will be made here  as "Tynamore."  The baptismal record is not found in the Callander Parish Records. 

     Margaret married Thomas McNiven on 11 Mar 1780 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

                      4       iii.    Jean Stewart.     The Stewart family register names her place of baptism as at Tynamore on December 2, 1761,  but she is recorded in the Callander Old Parish Register as the daughter of Robert Stewart and Isabel Dove in Dowart who was  born 15th and baptised December 19, 1761.

                      5       iv.    Elizabeth Stewart.    The family register shows her as having been baptised on June 9, 1763 at Duart. She is also not found in the OPR.

                      6       v.    Janet Stewart.     The OPR for Callander states that Janet was both born and baptized on the 12th of July.  The family register has her as baptized "near Cardross" on Jan 17, 1765.  She may not have lived long as Robert and Isabel had another daughter that they named Janet born in 1784.

                      7       vi.    Isabella Stewart.     She was baptized on 20 Jan 1767. The OPR for Callendar describes her parents  as "Robert Stewart and Isabel Dow in Dowart in Glenfinglass" and that she had been born on the 10th and baptized on the 20th of January.   The family register has her baptism as at Tynamore.

                      8      vii.    James Stewart.    The family bible register shows that he was christened September 6, 1768 at Doune and the Callander parish register shows him christened on the same date.  Again, the family is noted as "in Dowart."  He has not been found as an adult.

                      9     viii.    Elisabeth Stewart.    She is shown in the family register as having been baptised on March 31, 1770 in Doune.   I did not find her in the parish records for Callander.  This is the second use of the name Elisabeth for one of their children.

                    10       ix.    Agnes Stewart.    The family register shows her as being baptised on 7 May 1772 at "Offerance."   The Callander parish record shows her as born as well as baptised on the 7th. 

               +   11       x.    Kathrine Stewart.    The Callander parish record shows her as born and baptised on November 23, 1773; her family's register shows that she was baptised at Tynamore and gives the same date. 

     Kathrine married Thomas Bissland.

               +   12       xi.    Mary Stewart.    Her baptism was at Tynamore on 1 Aug 1775 according to the family register; the Callander parish record shows that she was born and baptised that same day. 

     Mary married Peter Campbell.

                    13      xii.    Christian Stewart.    She was baptised on 1 May 1777  at Tynamore according to the family register. I did not find her in the Callander parish records.

               +   14     xiii.    Charles Stewart.     The family bible record shows him as baptised at Tynamore on May 14th, 1779, while the Callander parish register records him as born on May 13 and his baptism as on the 16th of May (in Duart).   

                    15     xiv.    Siblah Stewart.       Siblah Stewart was born on 10 Nov 1780 in Dowart, Parish of Callander.  The family register shows that Siblah was baptized at Lenny on November 15th, while the parish register for Callander notes her as baptized on the 10th of November, the same day she was born.

                    16      xv.    Helen Stewart.   The family register shows that Helen was baptised at Bridge of Turk on 5 Jul 1782.  She is not in the OPR for Callander.

               +   17     xvi.    Janet Stewart.    She was baptised on July 16, 1784  according to the family register that recorded it as in Duart.  The Parish Register, however, has her as both born and baptised on July 12, 1784. 

     Janet married Neil Bruce. The marriage record for Janet and Neil has not been found, but is surmised by the record of the baptism of their son, John, on 22 Apr 1809 in the Buchanan, Stirlingshire OPR where John is noted as a "lawful" son. 

     Janet Stewart married, secondly, William Campbell, son of Archibald Campbell and Agnes McNie, on 13 Aug 1819 in Drymen, Stirlingshire. This is the date of the proclamation of banns in the Drymen parish church.  Both of Janet's parents are noted as deceased. Janet's residence at the time was "The Park" in Drymen parish.

               +   18    xvii.    "Daughter" Stewart

     It is unknown which of Robert Stewart's children was the parent of Mary Stewart.  Mary might be the daughter of a marriage between one of Robert's daughters and another Stewart.


     Children of Robert1 Stewart and Janet Fisher were as follows:

                    19        i.    John2 Stewart. 

     The family register as well as the OPR places John's baptism as April 5, 1791, but a squeezed-in entry later in the parish register (that did not include parents) showed that "John Stewart, Duart" was born March 20, 1791.

     John did not marry and apparently stayed on his father's farm after his father's death in 1818.  A possible reference to him  in the "Stewarts of the South" document seems to be,  " No 12 Mr. John Stewart Duart Glenfinglas of the Gartnafuaran family and unexceptionable Character and a well informed Scholar of a Tenant £105."   

      The 1851 census of the West End of the Parish of Callander has him as the head of one of only two families listed as living in Duart at that time.  He was 60 years old and was both a farmer and a grazier who employed two laborers.  His brother, Robert, also unmarried, lived with him at Duart. 

     John died on 23 Jan 1871 in Duart, Glenfinglass, Parish of Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, at the age of 79. The informant for the death certificate was Charles Stewart, his grandnephew.

                    20        ii.    Robert Stewart.       Robert Stewart was born in 1794, the child of Robert Stewart and Janet Fisher. The family register places his baptism in Duart on July 7, 1794. 

     Robert died on 2 May 1883 at Duart Farm, Glenfinglass, Parish of Callander, Perthshire, Scotland, at age 88.  His death certificate informant was his grandnephew, Charles Stewart, who was present at the time of death.  Robert is listed as a single farmer. 

                    21       iii.    Siblah Stewart.       Siblah Stewart was born circa 1796, the child of Robert Stewart and Janet Fisher.  She was baptized on 2 Jan 1796 in Duart, Glenfinglass, Perthshire, Scotland.


Generation Two



     3.  Margaret2 Stewart (Robert1).  She was baptised on 20 July 1760 "at Tynamone" according to the family register.  This name is thought to be a transcription error from the original family record.  It is thought most likely by Gaelic-speakers that this name was actually "Tigh na Mor" meaning the "Big House."  Future references from the family register to it will be made here  as "Tynamore."  Her baptismal record is not found in the Callander Parish Records. 

     Margaret married Thomas McNiven on 11 Mar 1780 in Edinburgh, Scotland.


     Children of Margaret2 Stewart and Thomas McNiven were as follows:

                    22        i.    William3 McNiven.       William McNiven was born after 1780, the child of Thomas McNiven and Margaret Stewart. 

     William married Catherine Dow.  He died at 40 Gibson Street, Hillhead, Partick in Lanark.  He was 78 years old, the widower of Catherine Dow, and was a Sugar Merchant's Cashier.    His home at the time of his death must have been close to that of his cousin, Isabella Campbell, who was then the widow of George Hume, as she also resided in Partick.

                    23        ii.    Elizabeth McNiven.       Elizabeth McNiven was born circa 1816, the child of Thomas McNiven and Margaret Stewart. Her existence is also mentioned in the will of her uncle, John Stewart, Duart, that he wrote on 12 Feb 1867.  He described her as one of his nieces and as the wife of John McGregor, Callander. 

     Elizabeth married John McGregor on 13 Jan 1837 in Glasgow, Scotland.


     11.  Kathrine2 Stewart (Robert1).  The Callander parish record shows her as born and baptised on November 23, 1773; her family's bible register shows that she was baptised at Tynamore and gives the same date. 

     Kathrine married Thomas Bissland.


     Children of Kathrine2 Stewart and Thomas Bissland were as follows:

                    24        i.    Robert3 Bissland.       Robert Bissland was born between 1802 and 1803, the child of Thomas Bissland and Kathrine Stewart. 

     Robert married Annie McGregor on 28 Nov 1865 in Drymen, Callendar Parish, Perthshire, Scotland. 

     Robert died on 21 Mar 1877 in Drymen, Stirling, Scotland.

               +   25        ii.    Son Bissland.


     12.  Mary2 Stewart (Robert1).  Her baptism was at Tynamore on 1 Aug 1775 according to the family register; the Callander parish record shows that she was born and baptised that same day. 

     Mary married Peter Campbell.


     Children of Mary2 Stewart and Peter Campbell were as follows:

                    26        i.    Helen3 Campbell.       Helen Campbell was born on 10 Mar 1790 in "in Ardchenknochdan" (Ardchenknochean), Parish of Callander, Perth, Scotland.  She was baptized on 12 Mar 1790 in Parish of Callander.

                    27        ii.    Katharine Campbell.       Katharine Campbell was born on 3 Apr 1796 in "Ardchenknochdan" (Ardchenknochean), Parish of Callander, Perth, Scotland. There is no baptism date given for Katharine in the parish register.

                    28       iii.    Margaret Campbell.       Margaret Campbell was born on 25 Dec 1798 in "Ardchenknochdan" (Ardchenknochean), Parish of Callander, Perth, Scotland.  She was baptized on 27 Dec 1798 in Parish of Callander.

               +   29       iv.    Daughter Campbell.  It is unknown which of Mary's daughters married a McLaren, but one did, since the son, Peter McLaren, was found signing his uncle's death certificate. 

     Daughter married (--?--) McLaren.

               +   30       v.    Daughter 2 Campbell.  Again, it is unknown which daughter of Peter Campbell and Mary Stewart married a McFarlane, but a person who identified himself as a nephew, Thomas McFarlane, signed the death certificate for Janet Campbell in 1880. 

     Daughter married (--?--) McFarlane.

                    31       vi.    Robert Campbell.       Robert Campbell was born on 19 Aug 1805 in "Ardchenknochdan" (Ardchenknochean), Parish of Callander, Perth, Scotland.  He was baptized on 21 Aug 1805 in Parish of Callander, Perth, Scotland. 

     Robert died on 25 Jan 1882 in Bridge of Turk, Parish of Callander, at the age of 76. His death certificate describes him as a Master Shoemaker (as was his father) and as a single man.  His nephew, Peter McLaren, was the informant on the death certificate, but was  not present at his death.

                    32      vii.    James Campbell.       James Campbell was born on 18 Jan 1809 in Offerance, Parish of Callander.  He was baptized on 26 Jan 1809 in Offerance, Parish of Callander, Perth, Scotland.

                    33     viii.    Janet Campbell.       Janet Campbell was born on 4 Oct 1810 in Offerance, Callander.  She was baptized on 7 Oct 1810 in Offerance, Parish of Callander, Perth, Scotland. 

     Janet died on 6 Oct 1880 in Bridge of Turk, Parish of Callander,  at age 70.

                    34       ix.    Joanna Campbell.       Joanna Campbell was born circa 1825 in Callander, Perth, Scotland, the child of Peter Campbell and Mary Stewart. 

     Joanna married Thomas Robertson on 23 Nov 1860 in Tradeston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland. 

     Joanna died after 1893.


     14.  Charles2 Stewart (Robert1).  The family bible record shows him as baptised at Tynamore on May 14th, 1779, while the Callander parish register records him as born on May 13 and his baptism as on the 16th of May to Robert Stewart and Isabel Dow in Dowart.

     Charles was likely the father of the Robert Stewart, born ca. 1805, to whom John Stewart (Charles' brother) refers in his will, written in 1867, as living in Mumford, New York.

     Children of Charles2 Stewart and an unknown spouse were:

               +   35        i.    Robert3 Stewart      Robert Stewart was born on 12 Aug 1805 in New York, most likely the child of Charles Stewart. (Robert's father is not certain.  But if  he, Robert, named his eldest son Charles, by tradition, that would be the name of his own father.)  As to his place of birth, although the US Census of 1860 has him and his entire family as born in Scotland, this does not seem to be the case.  Subsequent censuses which enumerate his children all agree that both they and their father, Robert, were born in the U.S.  The 1881 UK census confirms that his son, Charles, was born in the U.S.  Information received from cousin, M. C. C.,  from her family bible, provides the exact date of birth and confirms his birth in New York. 

     Robert married Margaret Moriah Rose.


     17.  Janet2 Stewart (Robert1).   She was baptised on July 16, 1784  according to the family register which recorded it as in Duart.  The Parish Register, however, has her as both born and baptised on July 12, 1784. 

     Janet married Neil Bruce. The marriage record for Janet and Neil has not been found, but is surmised by the record of the baptism of their son, John, on 22 Apr 1809 in the Buchanan, Stirlingshire parish records where it notes John as a "lawful" son. 

     Janet Stewart married, secondly, William Campbell, son of Archibald Campbell and Agnes McNie, on 13 Aug 1819 in Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland. This is the date of the proclamation of banns in the Drymen parish church.  Both of Janet's parents are noted as deceased. Janet's residence at the time was "The Park" in Drymen parish.  She died on 19 Aug 1865 in Woodend Lodge, Kilmaronock parish, Dunbartonshire, Scotland, at age 81 Her grandson, Robert Hume, was present at the time of her death.


     Children of Janet2 Stewart and Neil Bruce were:

                    36        i.    John3 Bruce.       John Bruce was born circa 1809, the child of Neil Bruce and Janet Stewart. (He is referred to in his uncle John Stewart's 1867 will as his nephew and as living at that time at Number one hundred and two Hospital Street, Hutchesontown, Glasgow.  Sometime between 13 Dec 1879 and 4 Dec 1880 he apparently left for America as another uncle, Robert Stewart, noted in a codicil to his will.)  He was baptized on 22 Apr 1809 in Buchanan, Stirlingshire.

     John married Janet Arbuthnat, daughter of Charles Arbuthnat, on 19 May 1839 in Barony Parish, Glasgow, Lanark. The OPR describes them as both residing in Barony Parish at the time of their marriage.


     Children of Janet2 Stewart and William Campbell were as follows:

               +   37        i.    Isabella3 Campbell      Isabella Campbell was born on 23 Oct 1821 in Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland, the child of William Campbell and Janet Stewart.  She married George Hume, son of Andrew Hume and Elizabeth Scotland, on 9 Jun 1848 in Buchanan parish church, Stirlingshire. Their names had been given in on June 4 for proclamation of banns.

                    38        ii.    Robert Campbell.       Robert Campbell was born on 27 Jun 1824 in Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland, the child of William Campbell and Janet Stewart.  He was baptized on 11 Jul 1824 in Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland. 

     Robert died on 14 Sep 1887 at 4 Otago Street, Hillhead, Partick, at age 63. His death certificate gave his age as 64, the informant being his cousin, James Campbell.


     18.  "Daughter"2 Stewart (Robert1). 

     It is unknown which of Robert Stewart's children was the parent of Mary Stewart.  Mary might be the daughter of a marriage between one of Robert's daughters and another Stewart.


     Children of "Daughter"2 Stewart and an unknown spouse were:

                    39        i.    Mary3 Stewart.  John Stewart in his 1867 will refers to a niece named Mary Stewart who was then residing on "Archibald McLaren's land, Callander..." 


Generation Three



     25.  Son3 Bissland (Kathrine2 Stewart, Robert1).


     Children of Son3 Bissland and an unknown spouse were:

                    40        i.    Alexander4 Bissland.


     29.  Daughter3 Campbell (Mary2 Stewart, Robert1).  It is unknown which of Mary's daughters married a McLaren, but one did, since the son, Peter McLaren, was found signing his uncle's death certificate. 

     Daughter married (--?--) McLaren.


     Children of Daughter3 Campbell and (--?--) McLaren were:

                    41        i.    Peter4 McLaren.  Peter was found because he signed the death certificate for his mother's brother, Robert Campbell, in January, 1882.


     30.  Daughter 23 Campbell (Mary2 Stewart, Robert1).  Again, it is unknown which daughter of Peter Campbell and Mary Stewart married a McFarlane, but a person who identified himself as a nephew, Thomas McFarlane, signed the death certificate for Janet Campbell in 1880. 

     Daughter married (--?--) McFarlane.


     Children of Daughter 23 Campbell and (--?--) McFarlane were:

                    42        i.    Thomas4 McFarlane.


     35.  Robert3 Stewart (Charles2, Robert1).       Robert Stewart was born on 12 Aug 1805 in New York, the child, most likely, of Charles Stewart.  As to his place of birth, although the US Census of 1860 has him and his entire family as born in Scotland, this does not seem to be the case.  Subsequent censuses which enumerate his children all agree that both they and their father, Robert, were born in the U.S.  The 1881 UK census confirms that his son, Charles, was also born in the U.S.  Information received from cousin, M.C.C., from their family bible provides his exact date of birth and confirms his birth in New York. 

     Robert married Margaret Moriah Rose. 

     Robert "of Mumford" was still alive at the time  his uncle, John's, will was written in 1867.  It had appeared that he probably died by the time his Uncle Robert wrote his will in 1879 as he is not mentioned in it; also I did not find him in a subsequent N.Y. census.   Recent contact with Robert's descendants has provided that their record shows that he died either the 9th  or 29th of January, 1891.


     Children of Robert3 Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose were as follows:

                    43        i.    Charles4 Stewart.       Charles Stewart was born on 24 Apr 1836 in United States, the child of Robert Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose.  By the time of the 1871 Scottish census, Charles was living at Duart with his great-uncle, John Stewart. In May of 1883 he was the informant on the death certificate for his other great-uncle, Robert. 

     Charles died on 29 Jan 1907 in the United States at age 70.

                    44        ii.    Alexander Stewart.       Alexander Stewart was born in Jun 1842 in New York, United States, the child of Robert Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose. He appears in the 1860 census for Wheatland in Monroe County, New York as an 18-year old farm laborer living with his parents and four siblings.  His entire family is listed in this census as having been born in Scotland. 

     Alexander married Sophie (--?--) circa 1875. 

     Alexander died on 17 Feb 1911 at age 68.

     The 1920 census shows Sophia as a widow.  The family now consists of Sophia, her married daughter, Florence, and her husband William R. Southerby; her daughter, Idalia Stewart; two grandchildren, Frances Foster and Thomas Foster; and one 26-year old  servant who worked for them  as a cook.

                    45       iii.    Isabella Stewart.       Isabella Stewart was born on 4 Oct 1846 in the U.S., the child of Robert Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose. In the 1860 census for Wheatland, Monroe County, N.Y., she is listed as being 14-years old, attending school, and living with her parents and four siblings. 

     Isabella died on 17 Apr 1910 in the United States at the age of 63.

                    46       iv.    George Stewart.       George Stewart was born on 2 May 1848 in New York, U.S., the child of Robert Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose. He appears with his family on the 1860 Census for Wheatland, Monroe County, New York.  He was 11-years old at that time, attending school,  and the census stated that he was born in Scotland.  All subsequent census enumerations had him as having been born in New York. His exact birth date is from the Stewart/Rose family bible. 

     George married Helen Murtry in 1874. (The 1900 census shows them as having been married for 26 years.). 

     I am unable to find him in the 1930 census, but family records indicate his date of death was 25 Dec 1935.

                    47       v.    Albert Stewart.       Albert Stewart was born on 15 Oct 1852 in U.S., the child of Robert Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose. He appears on the 1860 census for Wheatland in Monroe County, New York as an 8-year who was attending school and lived with his parents and four siblings.  His exact date of birth is from the family bible. 

     Albert married Willina (--?--) circa 1886. 

     Albert died on 27 Feb 1937 at age 84.

                    48       vi.    Margaret E. Stewart.       Margaret E. Stewart was born on 9 May 1859 in the U.S., the child of Robert Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose. She is enumerated in the 1860 census, along with her parents and four siblings, in Monroe County, New York.  She was 1-year old at that time and was listed as having been born in Scotland. Her exact birth is from the family bible.

                    49      vii.    Hellen Stewart.       Hellen Stewart was born on 5 Sep 1837, the child of Robert Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose.

                    50     viii.    Jane Stewart.       Jane Stewart was born on 13 Aug 1840 in the U.S., the child of Robert Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose. 

     Jane died on 13 Feb 1882 at age 41.

                    51       ix.    Thomas Stewart.       Thomas Stewart was born on 22 May 1844, the child of Robert Stewart and Margaret Moriah Rose.


     37.  Isabella3 Campbell (Janet2 Stewart, Robert1).       Isabella Campbell was born on 23 Oct 1821 in Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland, the child of William Campbell and Janet Stewart.  She married George Hume, son of Andrew Hume and Elizabeth Scotland, on 9 Jun 1848 in Buchanan parish church, Stirlingshire. Their names had been given in on June 4 for proclamation of banns.  She died on 8 Feb 1894 in 43 Bothwell Place, Hillhead, Glasgow, Scotland, at the age of 72.  She died at the home of her daughter, Elizabeth Campbell and her cousin, James Campbell. She was buried in Drymen parish churchyard, Drymen, Stirlingshire. There is a stone.


     Children of Isabella3 Campbell and George Hume were as follows:

                    52        i.    Robert Campbell4 Hume.       Robert Campbell Hume was born on 12 Nov 1848 in Buchanan Parish, Stirling, the child of George Hume and Isabella Campbell.  He was christened on 21 Dec 1848 in Buchanan Parish, Stirling, Scotland.

                    53        ii.    Janet Hume.       Janet Hume was born on 5 Jan 1851 in Parish of Kilmaronock, Dunbartonshire, the child of George Hume and Isabella Campbell.  She died on 10 May 1919 in Locker Terrace, Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire, Scotland, at age 68. She was at the home of her niece, Mrs. Margaret Garner.  She was buried in Kilbarchan Parish Cemetery, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Grave # H313, there is no stone.

                    54       iii.    Elizabeth Hume.       Elizabeth Hume was born on 11 Nov 1852 at Woodend Cottage, Kilmaronock Parish, Dunbartonshire, the child of George Hume and Isabella Campbell. 

     Elizabeth Hume married James McLaren Campbell, son of John Campbell and Jane McLaren, on 16 Jan 1872 in 374 New City Rd, Milton District, Glasgow. Elizabeth and James were first cousins, one generation removed.  James was the grandson of Archibald Campbell and Agnes McNie and Elizabeth was their great-granddaughter. 

     Elizabeth Hume died on 12 Dec 1928 in Long Lake (Govan), Saskatchewan, Canada, at age 76. She died at the farm home of her son, William Campbell.  She was buried in Nokomis Cemetery, Nokomis, Saskatchewan, Canada. There is a stone.

                    55       iv.    Agnes Campbell Hume.       Agnes Campbell Hume was born on 7 Mar 1855 at Woodend Lodge, Kilmarnock Parish, Dumbarton, the child of George Hume and Isabella Campbell. 

     Agnes married William Cunningham, son of George Cunningham and Isabella Buchanan, on 18 Mar 1873 in Woodend Lodge, Kilmaronock Parish, Dunbartonshire. William was listed as 31, residing in Bent, Kilmaronoch, a farmer, and a bachelor; Agnes was 18, resided in Woodend Lodge, Kilmaronoch, a domestic servant, and a spinster.  Both their mothers were witnesses. 

     Agnes died on 8 Jul 1931 in 14 Houston Street, District of Gorbals, Glasgow, Scotland, at age 76.

                    56       v.    Isabella Hume.       Isabella Hume was born on 25 Oct 1856 in Kilmaronock Parish, Dunbarton, the child of George Hume and Isabella Campbell.  She married William Gordon on 28 Sep 1906. They married by declaration.  Gordon was a 61-year old widower and retired builder.  His usual residence was 7 West Bank Place, Glasgow.  Isabella's usual residence was 135 Raeberry St. in Glasgow. 

     Isabella died on 28 Aug 1914 in Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland, at age 57.  She was buried in Western Necropolis, Class VIII, Section K, lairs 210-211, Glasgow, Scotland. She is in a grave with her brother-in-law, James McLaren Campbell, and his granddaughter, Vera Lang.  There is a stone.




Printed on: 1 Apr 2007          

Susan Sauve

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